On Sunday, Covington First United Methodist Church will hold their annual Blessing of the Backpacks Service. Students of all ages, teachers, administrators and all school employees are invited to bring their Backpacks to worship on Sunday morning to a special service to pray for a great school year. Each person will receive a tag to attach to their backpack that says, "The church family of FUMC loves them and are praying for them."
After the 11 a.m. worship service, Covington First Children Department will host a covered dish lunch. After lunch, the congregation will break into prayer teams and each team will drive to every public and private school in Newton County and the surrounding area for a time of prayer.
For the past month, the church family of Covington First have been collecting school supplies and gently worn school clothes for children to give to the Washington Street Community Center.
For questions about how to get involved call the church office at 770.786.7305 or email communications@covingtonfirst.org.
(L-r) Madeline Fisher, Warth Haymore, Paige Doty, Natalie Parker and Emily Doty pose with their blessed backpacks.