The Rev. Canon Father Randall Allen will be installed as the third Archdeacon of the Mid-South Diocese by the Rev. W. David Epps, Bishop of the Mid-South Diocese. The installation will be conducted during services at St. Andrew’s Charismatic Episcopal Church in Covington, where Canon Allen serves as rector. The service will be held on Sunday, Aug. 23, at 6 p.m.
Father Allen currently serves the Diocese as Canon Missioner for Northeast Georgia, as Chair of the Mid-South Diocese Commission on Ordained Ministry, as the Director of Communications for the Mid-South Diocese and as a member of the Bishop’s Council. In addition to these duties, he also serves as the Chair of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church Working Group on the Catechism. Canon Allen received a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Education from Lee University, followed by a Master of Divinity from the Church of God School of Theology. He is also a member of the North American Association of the Catechumenate. The service is open to the public.