Last week this newspaper reported on the City of Covington's transactions and decisions related to East Georgia Correctional Services and the renewal of its contract as the city's probation service provider - outside of the scope of a formalized bid process. The fact this contract was renewed after all the problems that occurred under its watch was, as we previously said, reprehensible.
Following that story The News' editorial board presented a hard-hitting editorial dealing with the whole issue and the councilmen who voted in favor of the renewal.
After the editorial appeared in Wednesday's paper, Councilman Chris Smith came down and met our publisher and the two men discussed their concerns with each other. Our editorial board or any member of management is always available to discuss any concerns any community member has about the paper.
Councilman Keith Dalton didn't show the same level of courage, choosing instead to call our reporter over to his home to blast the paper and say he would no longer be speaking to us.
This newspaper will continue to cover Covington's city council as fairly and honestly as we know how to. Whether an elected official decides to talk to us or not, we will continue to report on the positive and negative things that happen in our community.
We publish this newspaper with the philosophy that we are trying to do what is in the best interest of the citizens in the community we serve. We want very badly for Covington and Newton County to continue to prosper and flourish, and we believe that it takes transparent, enlightened local leadership in order to accomplish this.
We are fortunate here to have a respected city manager and a new mayor, who has no agenda but to do what is right for our citizens and for our community, and a council that generally votes for what is best for the whole.
There really is no need for a Lone Ranger on the council who thinks he is the only one with a white horse and silver bullets, "Hi-ho, Silver! Away!" indeed.