We here at The Covington News are pleased to announce that we’re going to begin filming all regularly scheduled meetings of the Newton County Board of Commissioners and showing them on our website, CovNews.com.
Previously, the county only recorded audio of its meetings, which were not posted online. This project is being sponsored by the Board of Commissioners and The News along with community partners Newton Federal Bank and the Covington-Newton County Chamber of Commerce.
You will be able to watch the meetings completely free of charge by going to covnews.com/section/188. Or, if you’re on the home page, you can scroll over the “Local” tab and then select “BOC Media” in the drop down menu that will appear.
The video from Tuesday’s meeting will appear in its entirety on the website Wednesday afternoon by 4 p.m.
In providing this service, The News and our community partners are saving the county, and all of us taxpayers by extension, thousands of dollars over what it might have cost to contract out this service to a traditional vendor.
A newspaper has an obligation to provide information to its readers in a variety of forms as appropriate, and we are proud to be able to offer you this service for free.
So, if you’re interested in county affairs but can’t attend the Tuesday meetings, be sure to check out our website and let us know what you think. You can always send feedback and questions to us at news@covnews.com.