Even though many stores had their Valentine's Day wares out the day after Christmas, the real sign of a new year is seeing the smiling, green-clothed smiles of the young and exuberant young ladies of our community out in force in front of grocery stores and other major shopping outlets hawking our favorite sweet treat - Girl Scout cookies.
According to lore, the first sales of these addictive treats took place in Muskogee, Okla. in 1917. Since the time the first sugar cookie was baked, dozens more flavors have been added to the formidable Girl Scout repertoire.
The profits from the cookies help support our local Girl Scout councils, which in itself is a positive result; but in selling the cookies, Girl Scouts learn to become entrepreneurs as well. So, even if you've sworn off treats for 2013, considering buying a box and giving it to a friend. The junior member of our editorial board routinely buys multiple boxes of Samoas to give as gifts throughout the year, and the cookies never fail to solicit a smile and a ‘You're so clever,' compliment.
The cookies are on sale now, and they're not sold online, so get out and buy some and support our young female entrepreneurs.
A positive sign
During the past few months, the number of foreclosures in Newton County has been steadily decreasing.
According to some local bankers, this might be a good sign that we have finally hit the bottom of our long-endured economic distress in Newton County.
Housing starts and sales have both improved in our area and the surrounding metro Atlanta region.
Although all this only adds up to a slight gleam, there is more reason than in the past to hope that a bright light will soon shine through, a light we've been searching for through many months of this pitch black economic tunnel.
We will be closely looking for signs of further positive change in our community.
A hearty congrats
We'd like to offer our personal congratulations to the fine men of the Newton County Sheriff's Office who were recently promoted.
We've heard great things about Morris Jones, Keith Crum and Mark Mitchell, and each of them has helped out our editorial staff in the past.
It's great to see that hard work still pays off these days, and we wish these men and the Newton County Sheriff's Office the best of luck moving forward.
You've got three good ones, Sheriff Brown, and we hope they'll aid you in your efforts to continue to make Newton County the safest place it can be.