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Social Circle Fair
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Mixed in with the unbearably hot weather these past few weeks, we've had a couple of nearly perfect autumn-like days that remind us of the better weather that's to come. Just our opinion of course.

While the occasional cooler day is a sign that fall is coming, a more reliable signal is the arrival of the annual Social Circle Fair, which is being held from Sept. 4-8, and will be located behind the Social Circle High School, just off West Hightower Trail on Alcova Drive.

The Social Circle Fair is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Social Club and is a good old fashioned family event featuring classic rides and, of course, sugary, delicious fair food.

Take the children to enjoy the pony and helicopter rides (not together) and stick out for the musical entertainment. The full schedule of events is available at the website of the Social Circle Better Hometown Program,

We don't see too many fairs out this way anymore, so take some time to enjoy the nostalgia and contribute to a good cause; fair proceed profits will be used for the club's scholarships and other community projects.

Admission is $1 (children less than 1 year old are free). Rides cost extra, but you can buy a special wristbands for $20 ($15 if you buy them ahead of time) that allow for unlimited carnival riding.
Wristbands can be purchased now at Social Circle ACE, the Bank of Social Circle and Pinnacle Bank.
For more details, be sure to pick up Sunday's paper.

Come out, meet your neighbors and be prepared to have fun.