As sure as you can count on there being a day and a night, you and generations of your family have for the past 92 years counted on The Ramsey Furniture company being a rock of our business community.
The business started by grandpa Ramsey was passed on to his son and then to grandson Sam Ramsey.
Sam Ramsey and his family not only have run a successful business but have also been involved in almost every facet of community life, including their church and local politics.
Some would say that during his tenure as mayor Sam helped put Covington in the stable financial shape it's still in today.
Our story on the front page shows the faith that the Ramseys still have in our community as they have spent their time and money sprucing up their buildings.
We salute them for their continued support of our city.
We also are pleased that Santa himself is coming to town early this year to enjoy the Ramseys new look and to set up shop in his familiar corner office located at the corner of Clark and Hendricks street.