We often praise the accomplishments of Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions who so generously serve our community. At times, we have neglected to honor and say thanks to another fine service organization in our county — the Pilot Club.
The International Pilot Club was started as a service organization in 1921 and has flourished across our country since then. Its motto is "true course through challenging conditions and obstacles."
Our local club recently celebrated its 50th year here in Newton County.
Their main emphasis is working with and helping the children of our community.
Under the direction of this year’s president, Linda Wade, the club has supported funding for brain disorders and has encouraged and supported children wearing bicycle helmets.
One of their major projects is a pancake breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus, who will be making a special appearance here, direct from the North Pole.
This year, the breakfast will be held at the Covington First United Methodist Church located in Covington from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Dec. 13.
Tickets for this breakfast with Santa are only $5.
After breakfast your children can shop at Secret Santa Shop, where for children can buy $5 gifts for Mom or Dad or grandparents.
The members of the Pilot Club have made a difference in our community for the past 51 years and we are sure that the thousands of people they have helped are grateful for their special type of volunteerism.
For more details on the Santa Breakfast, please call (770) 851-2585.