The pass this administration is getting in the national media in dealing with the soaring price of gasoline is amazing.
If you are like the most of us whether you pay as you go or you charge gas on a credit card, the shock each time you fill up or receive your monthly bill is numbing.
The gas bill last month was more than the car payment last month for one editorial board member.
This past weekend as we traveled about we saw many cars with For Sale signs on them parked in yards.
At an intersection we saw a person with a sign claiming they were homeless and needed money for gas to get home.
Experts tell us that there is a glut in the world of oil right now. This past weekend, the Saudis, the world's biggest oil producer, even announced that they were cutting back on production.
This concerns us. We fear that the next thing we are going to see are gas lines.
For those of us who lived through the great gas line crisis of the 70s, that is not something we wish to see repeated. The stress factor was almost unbearable.
We need to wake up and raise whatever hell we can to make this president realize that most of us are on meager budgets and that we don't have the imperial luxury that he has as he wastes thousands of gallons of fuel flying from here to there on our tax dollar in reality promoting his own re-election bid.
President Obama and Gov. Deal need to do something now, like removing excessive taxes on gas for a spell in order that we don't have even more Americans sink below the waves of economic despair.