Graduation is only a concept. In real life every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you'll make a difference. ~Arie Pencovici
This week is an exciting time for our local graduates and their families.
Even for those of our readers who graduated many years ago, thinking back on those ceremonies brings back fond memories.
A few of our new graduates have definitive plans for their futures which they'll pursue immediately, while others have plans but are not quite ready to put them in action. For the latter, the reality of no school next week will motivate them soon enough.
Then there are those who have no plans and haven't even thought of what they might do or become.
We live in a world that will require much more out of young people than any other generation that has preceded it.
Such is the nature of life. An ever-advancing world requires ever-more advanced people to successfully navigate it.
For those prepared to take charge of their dreams, go search with gusto for that rainbow with the pot of success that awaits you at its end.
For those of you who are almost there, we hope you grasp the reality of what this new world can bring you and find your path.
For those of you who haven't started your search and have no idea that there can be a rainbow of success waiting for you, it's not too late to wake up and start your search. In fact, it's never too late, though the path can become harder to tread as time passes.
Remember as you move forward that your success will ultimately be our success.