Our nation's energy policy of no exploration and development is a colossal failure.
The price we pay at the pump for gasoline continues to rise, even after President Obama said he was going to open the nation's gas reserves in order to help drive down domestic gas prices.
The policy of this administration has been to stymie the use of fossil fuels. Their apparent belief that we will make up our needs for fuel with everything green is just a plain lie.
According to experts, we have more than enough natural fossil fuel in this country and offshore to supply our country and friends for generations to come.
So, why aren't we putting these energy resources into play?
It's our own collective fault.
We complain about what we're paying at the pump, but that's all we do, mumble and grumble.
We have gotten into a rut of grumbling but taking no action in this country, a rut that would have shamed our forefathers.
We do not have to be whipped like cattle going to slaughter by elected officials.
We do not have to sit in our homes cursing our plight. We can get off our proverbial butts and protest and shout to the highest heavens. We need to use the ballot box to insure that the people we have put in office do our bidding instead of following their own agendas.
It's time for us not to be fish heading for the gill nets. It's time for us to be like a mother grizzly, willing to fight for their family and turf at any cost.
Our country was founded on basic principals. Let's begin to find and live on those principals again.
Get pumped up