We feel this year's election, on both the local and national level, could be one of the most important of our lifetime.
That's why we're glad to partner once again with the Covington-Newton County Chamber of Commerce to host two local debates this election year.
The first debate will be held from 6 to 9 p.m., June 28 at The Center for Community Preservation and Planning, located next to the chamber at 2104 Washington St. in Covington.
We will invite all candidates that have opposition in the primary, including sheriff (R), chairman (D), board of commissioners District 1 (R), board of commissioners District 3 (D), board of commissioners District 5 (both parties) and board of education District 4 (D).
The exact format and schedule will be decided later, but please watch for the further details in the paper and online at covnews.com.
The chamber will ask all candidates questions about issues that affect the business community; the candidates will be given the chamber's questions ahead of time.
The Covington News will be asking more general questions, including questions focusing on the future of the county, and will not be given to the candidates beforehand.
Written questions, either written ahead of time or submitted the night of, will also be accepted, and we're inviting people to send us prospective question to news@covnews.com. Just put "Debate question" in the subject line.
The News and chamber will also host a debate in November.
This is your chance to get to know the candidates and hear their takes on the issues and how they plan to move the county forward. We hope to see you June 28.