As you travel through Covington today, you might hear the sounds of crowds cheering or the cha-ching of a few more cash registers as the Dixie Boys World Series kicks off at City Pond complex. The sound should make you happy.
Covington is playing host to the event for the fifth time since 1993, and, as a result, 11 youth baseball teams from states across the Southeast will be playing in our town through Wednesday, and they, their families and friends will be spending money at our hotels, restaurants and stores.
In a story last week, Tommy Hailey, the long-time Newton county recreation director, described himself as being like a kid at Christmas time. We're sure Hailey and his staff will have our local fields manicured and in as fine a shape as Yankee Stadium.
There is a reason the Dixie Boys tournament returns to Newton County once every few years, and that reason is Hailey and his dedicated associates at the recreation department, along with the hospitality our entire community shows to our visitors.
So, if you're out and about today or early this week and you see strangers, welcome them. And if you're looking for something to do, take your family out to the games. For more information, check today's sports section and for full details and visit
To our visitors, we appreciate having you here in our town. Come back and visit sometime; you're always welcome here.