"Sometimes it’s important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it’s essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow."
— Douglas Pagels, "These Are the Gifts I’d Like to Give to You"
Labor Day was established after a major strike by union workers against the then-mighty Pullman Co.
To break the strike, the full might of the federal government was brought to bear, and many strikers were killed. In the aftermath, a day was established to calm and mollify workers who toiled tirelessly in mills and factories across the land.
Since then, Labor Day has come to signify many things. It’s the kickoff for the political season and for college football fever in the South. It’s the de facto end of summer; for many years, it was, in fact, the end of summer vacation for unhappy schoolchildren.
Today, with many people out of work and, despite what were are being fed, with the economy still struggling, Labor Day doesn’t mean much to some Americans.
Those who do have jobs have found over the past few years that their normal workloads have doubled and even tripled as employers have consolidated operations and cut budgets.
So this Labor Day is important as an opportunity to rest from our labors, both physical and mental. Take time to enjoy your family. Sleep in. Take a much-needed break from the pressures of everyday life.
And if you are an employer, take time to tell your staff members how much you appreciate their efforts.
We wish you and our staff a peaceful day of relaxation.