Dear Editor: On behalf of the Main Street Covington program I wish to express our thanks to the Covington Rotary Club for hosting yet another successful" Cars of the Past Car Show" in Downtown Covington. The downtown is a perfect backdrop for the show and for the businesses that are open it is an excellent source of revenue. To that point I'd like to share that two of the downtown retailers decided to open for the event. Not only did they have great sales, one of them had a record day! They are going to share their experience at the October meeting of the Main Street Downtown Business Council.
Building on the experiences of those businesses it is hoped there will be an even greater number of the downtown retailers open, which will make the district an even bigger asset for the show in 2011. Thanks once again to the Covington Rotary Club for its efforts and support of the community and the downtown district.
Josephine Kelly
Main Street Covington