There has begun a stirring of potential political candidates for the 2016 election, we know this because already there is already a sense of mud being mixed in order to smear folks.
Unfortunately this has become the standard in recent elections, and what this type of politicking does is blur what the real issues are.
As a result, we end up with folks in elected office who have absolutely no right to be in those positions.
We have a few characters in office locally who were elected, and continue to be elected, because their constituents either do not care , do not read or are swayed by the character assassination’s that are now prevelant.
We urge anyone who runs for local office to refrain from running a campaign that concentrates on throwing mud and other debris at their opponent and instead make every effort to communicate their beliefs and visions to the voters who vote.
We also urge voters, who have an even bigger obligation, to take time and first meet the person you are going to vote for and then to make sure you make every effort to understand the candidate’s vision before you pull the lever on voting day.
We ask you for the sake of our city and county to not just go and vote for someone because of their color or their party affiliation, but to do yourself and all of us a favor and take the time to be informed.
We promise you that we will make every effort to see that you are.