In Loving Memory
Mr. Henry E. Smith
January 10, 1945~July 26, 2014
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Two O'clock p.m.
New Beginning Full Gospel Ministries Church
Oxford, Georgia 30056
Rev. Willie G. Tigner Jr. Pastor, Eulogist
Assisted By Others
Mr. Henry Eugene Smith was born January 10, 1945 in Newton County. He was born to Ms. Mary McElhaney Glover and Mr. Earnest Smith.
His wife, Mrs. Jackie Ross Smith preceded him in death.
He leaves in the hand of the Lord; his mother, Mrs. Mary Glover, two sons, Mr. Timothy Smith and Mr. & Mrs. Rodney (Sandra) Smith, grandchildren, Rodney Smith Jr., Rodney Savion Smith, Ronald R. Prather, Angeline Smith, Peaches Smith and Jeramus Smith, brothers, Mr. Robert Smith and Mr. Jerome Glover, two aunts, and one uncle, and a host of other relatives and friends.
Flower Attendants
Family And Friends
Perhaps you sent a lovely card, or sat quietly in a chair, perhaps you spoke the kindest words, as any friend could say, perhaps you were not there at all, just thought of us that day, whatever, you did to console our hearts, we thank you so very much .
The Smith Family