The city of Porterdale established a resolution for new water and sewer utility rates at its city council meeting on Monday.
According to a draft of the meeting's action minutes, Councilwoman Linda Finger voiced a concern that the change from an ordinance amendment to a resolution would not allow residents the opportunity to have a say in a water rate increase.
City Attorney Tim Chambers clarified that in section 20-111 it states: "Water and sewer rates shall be set from time to time by the Council by Resolution following a public hearing."
A motion passed to allow the council to set the changes by resolution after a public hearing.
Under the changes, there will be an increase of about $3.48 cents a month for the average household customer who uses 6,000 gallons a month.
The increase is five cents more than is necessary to cover the costs, but that is designed to cover the costs of any unaccounted for or lost water.
In addition to the water and sewer rates, the council discussed pit bulls and other vicious dogs in Porterdale.
According to the draft of the action minutes, Councilwoman Arline Chapman asked Chambers to research regulations regarding breed-specific dogs and to bring the information to a work meeting later in the month.