Few things in life are better than a Girl Scout cookie. While words fail to describe just how delicious their cookies are, the 25 remarkable Girl Scouts of troop #25536 are so much more than cookie sellers.
Their mission is to make the world a better place, and they do just that. They put in long hours tirelessly helping anyone and everyone. They serve the community in any way they can, from picking up trash to participating in walks for diabetes. Random acts of kindness fill their days.
Their weekly meetings are directed by Leaders, Rita Dupree, Trayca Ores, and Pat Shepherd at Washington Street Community Center where a variety of exciting programs that promote self confidence, community and civic pride, and leadership opportunities for youth are part of its year-round program delivery. The troop was started by these leaders six years ago and continues to this day to attract girls of all ages. During these meetings the girls learn more about cultures around the world and plan upcoming events. Memorable events of the past include a trip to Disneyland and a huge cookie expo. The troop completely funded their trip to the happiest place on Earth. For months on end they worked with inexhaustible dedication. Then, they enjoyed the fruits of their labor on a well-deserved vacation; a reminder to all of how much can be achieved with firm resolve and self-discipline. The troop also met with success at a large cookie expo last year. Surely enough, the troop won first place. When they're not out winning competitions, they're constantly lending a helping hand to those in need. These large-hearted leaders are always putting smiles on people's faces.