Ralph Staffins, president of the Covington-Newton Chamber of Commerce was appointed to fill a one year term on the Georgia Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (GACCE). Staffins represents the organizations Region 5 area.
“It’s a real honor to give back to other chambers in the state of Georgia,” he said, adding he had just been elected vice-chair of for the GACCE’s professional development committee.
GACCE announced its 2016-2017 Executive Committee and Board of Directors at its annual executive leadership conference held July 19 through 22 on Jekyll Island.
Members of the executive committee serve counties and communities around the state, including from Carroll County Chamber, Barrow County Chamber, Greater Columbus Chamber, Augusta Chamber, Chatsworth-Eton-Murray County Chamber and the Madison-Morgan County Chamber.
The 2016-17 Executive Committee and Board of Directors began their term July 1.