Newton County School System middle school students brought home several awards from the recent Georgia Science and Engineering Fair (GSEF).
In order to participate in the State Science Fair, students must first have won at both their local school system science fair and their regional science fair.
At GSEF, the exhibitors have the opportunity to share their research with some of the top scientists in Georgia and compete for awards and scholarships.
“Congratulations to all of our outstanding science fair participants,” said Samantha Fuhrey, Superintendent for Newton County Schools. “They have represented their schools and our school system extremely well. In order to participate in the State Science Fair, students must have won first place at both our school system science fair and the regional science fair.
Winning at the local and regional level is an exceptional accomplishment. To move to the State Science Fair competition and earn further recognition highlights our very talented students. I take great pride in the fact that students in the Newton County School System continue to excel not only in local and regional competitions but also at the state level as well.”
Student School Award Project
Jade Cofer Theme School 3rd The Brain Study: Do People Focus More on Words or Shapes
Michaela Cole Indian Creek 3rd Stain, Stain, Go Awa!
Ava Jane Teasley Indian Creek 3rd Preventing a Pain in the Butt 2.0
Mason Garrett Theme School 4th 321 Splash Off
Devin Goolsby Liberty 4th Chains vs. Boosters
Annaliese Sliders Theme School Outstanding Exhibit Award-Alt. Dogs or Cats?