1. Cook Rd; between Mt Tabor & Bald Rock Rd – (OPEN)
2. Almon Church Rd – (OPEN)
3. 3. Crowell Rd North (from Brown Bridge Rd to Harold Dobbs) is now open.
a. There is a detour through Jack Neely and Harold Dobbs and detour signs are in place.
4. Harold Dobbs Road; both sections remain closed
5. King Bostick Rd @ Channing Cope Rd –(OPEN)
6. Highway 138; from Rockdale Co Line to Hwy 81 N in Walnut Grove to thru traffic – (OPEN)
7. Lower River Rd @ Stewart Rd – (OPEN)
8. Brown Bridge Rd; Ram Dr to Covington City Limits (OPEN)
9. Sewell Road at Morgan Co Line – (OPEN)
10. Sockwell Road; Dirt portion – (OPEN)
11. East Dollar Circle – (OPEN)
12. Mt Tabor Rd; between Almon Rd and Cook Rd – (CLOSING SATURDAY 9/25 @ 10:00 AM)
* - Inspection revealed possible damage. Bridge will be closed for an undetermined timeframe.
13. Butler Bridge Road; Dirt portion- (OPEN)
14. River Shoals Court; Off Stephens Road – (OPEN)
15. Channing Cope Road – (OPEN)