Hunter Ferrell of Oxford was selected to attend North Country Rock-n-Wilderness in northern Minnesota. This STUDIO 2B destination is one of many trips offered through Girl Scouting around the U.S. Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin Lakes and Pines Council has offered this program for the past 18 years and has hosted girls from throughout the world.
Participants traveled by canoe and portaged through the area of northern Minnesota known as the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and Quetico Provincial Park in southern Canada. Thirteen Girl Scouts joined together for this wilderness adventure. On the trip, the participants learned life skills such as small group living, teamwork, paddling skills and how to travel safely in the wilderness.
"I'd have to say my favorite part was being in the wilderness, away from civilization. It makes you appreciate the little things like toilet paper," reports a past participant.
Paisley Nash-Dooley, former Program Director at GSMWLP said, "NCRnW is a life changing event for many of the participants. Many girls come back the following summer to participate in a longer trip or to attend our Guide in Training program. This program teaches them how to become a canoe guide so they can give other girls a wonderful experience just as they had been given."
North Country Rock-n-Wilderness is open to any girl ages 13-17. For more information please call (800) 862-0875 or visit
Girl Scouts is the foremost authority on girls' leadership development. For more information on how to join, volunteer, reconnect or donate to Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin Lakes and Pines Council, visit