The life and works of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. will be celebrated Sunday afternoon with the 25th annual community celebration at 3 p.m. at Olive Swann Porter Auditorium at Newton High School.
Keynote speaker for the event will be Dr. Stanley J. Pritchett Sr., the acting president of Morris Brown College. Pritchett began his career as a teacher in public schools and throughout his career served as athletics director, associate superintendent and deputy superintendent. Additionally he was recognized as DeKalb County’s first Principal of the Year. After retiring from public schools Pritchett accepted the position at Morris Brown.The committee in charge of organizing the event is urging the community to come out and honor not only the life and works of King, but several other residents who are being recognized at the even as well.
Created in 1987, the I Have a Dream Award will be presented to an individual who "exemplifies the philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King," according to committee secretary Josephine Brown. The winner will be announced at the ceremony and not before. Also announced at the ceremony is the recipient of the Trailblazer Award, given to those Newton County residents who have a proven track record of service to the community. Last year was the first year the committee gave out the Trailblazer Award, and it was given to B.C. Crowell for a lifetime of service to Newton County.
The event will also include speakers from both city and county government, as well as representation from the Newton County School System and Oxford College. Music will be presented by the Newton County Community Band and the Martin Luther King Ecumenical Choir.