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2018 CCRPI scores announced
Georgia DOE

COVINGTON, Ga. - State School Superintendent Richard Woods released the Georgia College and Career Ready Performance Index for the 2017-2018 school year. The CCRPI measures schools and school districts on a 100-point scale. As there were numerous changes to the CCRPI instrument, this year’s scores cannot be compared to scores from previous years. 

“Unfortunately, we are not able to compare the 2017 CCRPI school and district results to the 2018 results,” Samantha Fuhrey, Newton County School System superintendent, said. “The 2018 results serve as baseline scores, again. The state’s accountability tool, the CCRPI, has not been the same since its inception in 2012. The calculation rules and measurement have changed significantly year after year. Until the state provides a consistent, reliable accountability instrument, the work of our students and staff cannot be measured accurately. Consistency from year to year with regard to what and how schools and systems are measured is critical to the planning and preparation of our teachers and leaders. Recently, the state school superintendent stated that the instrument will change, yet again, to provide a more, well-rounded tool. We are studying our results to ensure our students are prepared and positioned to be successful.”

Elementary Schools

Four NCSS elementary schools scored above the state average in 2018, including East Newton, Mansfield, Middle Ridge and Newton County Theme School. 

Middle Schools

At the middle school level, Newton County Theme School posted a score higher than the state’s middle school score.

High Schools

Eastside High School topped the state’s high school CCRPI score in 2018.

Newton County School System’s College & Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) Results for the 2017-2018 school year are as follows:

Elementary Schools

East Newton - 79.4 

Fairview - 64.8

Flint Hill - 67.9

Heard-Mixon - 70.1

Live Oak - 63.2

Livingston - 65.9

Mansfield - 84.2

Middle Ridge - 80

Newton County Theme - 93

Oak Hill - 77.4

Porterdale - 56

Rocky Plains - 57.1

South Salem - 67.8

West Newton - 67.7

NCSS-Elementary Total - 75
State-Elementary Total - 77.8


Middle Schools  

Clements - 67.3

Cousins - 65.7

Indian Creek - 56.1

Liberty - 65.3

Newton County Theme - 93.3

Veterans Memorial - 63.5

NCSS-Middle Total - 64.1
State-Middle Total - 76.2


High Schools  

Alcovy - 64.2

Eastside - 80.5

Newton - 65.3

NCSS-High Total - 69.6
State-High Total - 75.3


 NCSS Overall Score - 70.7
 State Overall Score - 75.3