Cousins Middle School was on lockdown Monday for several hours, after calls came in to 911 about a man threatening suicide in the woods behind the school.
According to Newton County Sheriff's Office Public Information Officer Cortney Morrison, the man called 911 around 2:30 p.m. He gave a name but officials were - and are - unsure if it was a nickname. He also called from an untraceable cell phone. Morrison said he called several times, reiterating that he planned to kill himself.
He never made threats to the school or anyone at the school, but lockdown was initiated as a precaution since his proximity to the school was so close. School was dismissed without incident and all students made their way home safely.
The Covington Police Department, NCSO and Georgia State Patrol participated in a search for the man until around 5:45 p.m., even using a GSP helicopter with heat-sensors and found no sign of the man.