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SWMA votes to purchase equipment

COVINGTON, Ga. – The Newton County Solid Waste Management Authority voted Thursday night to spend $1.1 million on equipment to help run the landfill.

The largest purchase was a $689,000 TANA E380 ECO Compactor that will be used to compact trash as it is placed in the landfill.

The authority spent considerable time debating the merits of the TANA E380 ECO and the Caterpillar 826K compactors, including a work session in August when representatives of both companies attended a SWMA work session to tout the merits of their machines.

Solid Waste Manager Kevin Walter recommended TANA because of what he called its superior compacting capability.

“We did a detailed analysis of two different machines, the TANA and the Caterpillar machine. My recommendation and our engineering firm’s recommendation is to purchase the TANA machine for its superior compacting qualities and for the significant cost savings we will experience.”

Member Buddy Morgan also voiced support for the TANA.

“I went about three weeks ago to Abbeville, South Carolina and looked at the smaller version of this machine, I think it’s the 330 Series, and I was impressed by this machine. Going in, I was leaning toward the Caterpillar because of the dependability and parts availability, but this machine looked like it did a good job of compacting.

“This machine compacted the trash into a smooth, level field so it would take less fill dirt to cover it up. It had a good compaction rate.”

Member Kent Campbell also went to South Carolina to see the TANA in action.

“I went to Abbeville and talked to the landfill operator and the equipment operator and they were both very satisfied with the TANA,” he said, “I was impressed how with the way it works the slopes. I know there are some questions about whether it had the torque and enough horsepower to really work a slope, but both operators in Abbeville said they had no issues.

TANA also guaranteed the county a minimum of ten percent more trash compaction then other landfill compactors in the same weight class. The guarantee was important in the decision process.

“Given that the company is willing to guarantee at least ten percent, I think it’s in our interest to choose the TANA,” Campbell said.

Walter told members over the past year the landfill compacted an average of 1,200 lbs. of trash per cubic yard.

Members voted 5-2 to approve the TANA purchase.