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JDA postposes officer elections

COVINGTON, Ga. – The Joint Development Authority of Jasper, Morgan, Newton and Walton County unanimously decided to postpone its election of officers until board members had the opportunity to further review the responsibilities of the roles. 

Walton County Chairman Kevin Little, who currently serves as the JDA’s vice chairman, made the motion to table the appointments of chairman, vice chairman, treasurer and secretary until the Feb. 26 meeting. He also asked that the board scheduled a work session prior to that meeting to discuss the positions. 

“I’d like a work session where we could talk over the budget, duties, roles and responsibilities,” he said. “As we go forward into the new year, it is the first time we’ve ever really had any money and the first time we just – there’s several things we probably need to sit down, well I feel we need to sit down, and discuss things like the roles of each person in their position before going forward. 

“I think it would bring clarity and good communication to have a work session prior to the meeting.”

Newton County Chairman Marcello Banes, who currently serves as the secretary of the JDA, seconded Little’s motion and it was approved by a unanimous vote of the board. 

Morgan County Commissioner Andy Ainslie clarified that everyone currently serving in one of the officer positions would remain in those positions until the election vote was cast. 

The JDA’s next meeting will be held at the Morgan County Planning and Development Conference Room, at 150 E. Washington St., Suite 201, Madison GA 30650.