Porterdale city officials are planning a retreat for this Saturday to discuss their goals and objectives for the new year.
City Manager Bob Thompson stated that the council would be setting up a timeline during the retreat to enact the different projects the council members propose. Currently, there are plans on the table to revise the personnel policies and procedures manual and to look at reworking several zoning ordinances.
The retreat will be held at the American Legion.
Thompson is also currently working with the U.S. Conference of Mayors to enact a retirement plan for full-time city employees. Under the plan, the city would contribute $100 dollars a month per employee towards the fund.
According to Thompson, the plan has been discussed for several years, but only finally placed into the budget for fiscal year 2011. The city council voted on the retirement plan Monday night.
The final details of the plan are currently being worked out. For more on this story, see Friday’s edition of The Covington News.