COVINGTON, Ga. – The Covington City Council plans to discuss its nomination for the City of Covington’s representative on the Newton County Recreation Commission during its April 11 work session after during Monday night’s work session left the council split.
In a letter to the council, Newton County Chairman Marcello Banes asked for three nominations for the position. In the recently approved NCRC resolution, only one name was needed from the city, City Attorney Frank Turner said. After the city provides the nomination, Banes has the ability to either accept or reject it.
City Manager Leigh Anne Knight said three nominations had been brought to her attention prior to Monday’s work session. The nominees were Steve Horton, Anthony Henderson and Thomas Maletic. Henderson represents the West Ward on the council. Maletic reached out to the city to volunteer in any capacity, not necessarily the NCRC board, Turner said. Councilman Kenneth Morgan said Horton is a former city employee.
Covington Mayor Ronnie Johnston said the appointment should not be a member of the council due to recent tension on the NCRC board. Councilman Josh McKelvey previously served on the board but resigned from the position March 20.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t be on it if they paid you $500,” Councilman Michael Whatley said.
“It is a highly volatile situation,” Johnston said.
Henderson said he has been an active member of NCRC his entire life and feels it is important for a young person to get involved on the board.
“At this moment we need somebody outside of the council because it’s a volatile time,” Councilwoman Hawnethia Williams said. “It’s very hot and heavy right now. We can kind of calm the water now, and Steve (Horton) right now will be that calming person. It doesn’t have any reflection on you (Henderson), so get that out of your head.”
Johnston said he sees the value in having a younger person or a person with children on the board to represent the city.
“I don’t actually disagree with that at all, but I would agree with Ms. Williams and I think putting another Henderson on there, I don’t think is a great idea,” Johnston said. “Just my feelings.
“I think that’s a great idea, I just don’t think you’re (Henderson) the right youth for it.”
Henderson’s father, Commissioner J.C. Henderson, previously served on the board.
Johnston said he did not want the city to rush to select a nomination for the board, so the council agreed to bring nominations to its work session scheduled for April 11. At that time, the councilmembers plan to narrow their nomination to one person to present to Banes.