The News: What do you see as the biggest issues facing Porterdale?
Barrett: As Chairman of Planning and Zoning, I see the need for access to food- whether in the form of a farmers market or a grocery store- in our community. We enjoy promoting our city as a walkable community; however we need access to food within walking distance. In addition to bringing much needed revenue into the city, it would be a incredible service to the disabled, low income and senior citizens in our community.
Another key issue needing to be addressed is the need for an enclosed community center. Access to such a structure would benefit the entire city. Our youth and senior citizens would benefit most from a facility that could provide a safe location for positive and productive activities, additionally it would bring safe harbor through times of disaster. We have access to SPLOST resources- If we pair that with federal and private endowments, along with community fundraising, we could make this a reality without raising city taxes.
The News: What do you see as the role of historic preservation as the City of Porterdale continues to grow?
Barrett:The Historic Preservation Commission’s role pertains to advising the city council in the historic district. Expansion of the city limits would not require significant involvement from HPC, as the Planning and Zoning Commission is responsible for advising the city council on these matters.
As for growth within the historic district, the input from HPC should continue to be acknowledged and respected by the council. The overall public interest should always be the council’s primary concern, and matters from citizens should be heard.
The News: Where do you see the City of Porterdale in four years? If elected, what are your goals for the four years you’re in office?
Barrett: Where I see the future of Porterdale truly depends on this election. If forward thinking council members are elected, such as myself, I see Porterdale not only continuing to thrive- but enhanced by having all hands on deck. While keeping our "Mayberry" feel, we can provide the forward thinking city personnel and other council members to recruit varied businesses, offer additional services to all residents and further involve our entire community. By adding much needed resources, we will pull our community together to take Porterdale into the next decade with life and prosperity for all.
The News: How can city residents reach you if they have more questions?
Barrett:I pride myself on being accessible and willing to answer questions from any resident of Porterdale. Anyone with questions, comments or if they wish to get a campaign sign for their yard can call 678-729-7005 or submit comments on our website:, or on Facebook at Ryan Barrett for City Council.
Candidate Q&A: Ryan Barrett