It might be on the small side, but as the Georgia Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (GACCE) acknowledged, the Covington-Newton County Chamber of Commerce is an excellent organization.
The chamber was recently named a “Certified Georgia Chamber of Commerce,” by the GACCE Board of Directors.
There are more than 150 chambers of commerce in the state of Georgia. The Covington-Newton County Chamber of Commerce was one of seven to be recognized this year as a Georgia Certified Chamber.
“It is considered a very prestigious honor that distinguishes the high quality, expertise and strong leadership displayed by accredited chambers,” said Ralph Staffins, President of the Covington-Newton County Chamber of Commerce.
According to Staffins, the GACCE’s certification program facilitates excellence in the chamber industry and to foster a pro-business environment across the State of Georgia. Chambers must meet standards in organization, service intent and capacity, professional administration, financial management, communications, and advocacy in order to achieve the designation.
“Your chamber has risen to the challenge during these tough economic times to provide unparalleled leadership and direction, helping members and our community thrive,” Staffins said. “This type of performance is a reflection of the solid organizational infrastructure built through much hard work and diligence and your continued support.”
He said the application process required to qualify for certification was rigorous, resulting in “about a 2-inch thick, 3-ring binder when we were finished,” he said. “It was a complete look at our organization, from its administration to its membership to advocacy to economic development to tourism ... everything that makes a good chamber.
“[Certification] says we’re doing everything right,” he said. The chamber will be certified until 2019, when it will have to reapply for the recognition.
Staffins credits the staff, board and community for the achievement. “We have a great team,” he said, referring to the staff. “For a chamber our size, we are well-staffed. It’s a team our members and our community can be proud of.”
He also gives credit to the current and former board of directors, especially the chamber board chairs throughout the years, and the chamber members. He said Covington-Newton Chamber of Commerce has also had great volunteers who have served on the board and as ambassadors for the chamber.
“It really is a feather in our cap,” he said. “It shows folks around the state that the Covington-Newton County Chamber is meets the rigorous standards set by the GACCE.
“It is a true honor to be recognized as a Certified Chamber of Commerce here in the State of Georgia,” he said.
“Our chamber will continue to strive for excellence year after year,” he said. “We’re going to grow our organization. Over the past year our membership has grown by 20 percent, and we hope to continue that upward trajectory next year.
“As always we will continue to provide leadership in the areas of business advancement, economic development and tourism,” he said.