Learn how to budget money, manage credit cards, get a loan, purchase a house and more at free Money Management Classes, beginning Monday, Jan. 11, from 6-7:30 p.m.
The course will last six weeks and is offered to the local community. Classes will be held at The American Realty Professionals Office, 1123 Church Street, Suite 103, off the Covington Square.
Sponsors of the class include Alcovy United Methodist Church, Action Ministries in Covington and The American Realty Professionals.
“We’re very excited to offer this series of money management classes – and encourage local residents to call to register,” said Tamara Richardson, Area Director with Action Ministries in Covington. “Begin 2016 with a goal to become more financially strong!” she concluded. Students who attend all six sessions will be eligible to win a $100 Walmart gift card.
Action Ministries works to help transition people out of poverty through hunger relief, housing and educational programming.
To register or for more information, contact Richardson at trichardson@actionministries.net or 678-280-4161.