Eric Threets is challenging Michael Whatley for the Post 2 East Ward seat on the Covington City Council.
Why does Threets want to run for office: “I’m running for office because I see there’s a need in the city of Covington for strong leadership, for change and for new ideas that aren’t being put forward,” Threets said. “I want to be a difference from business as usual and politics as usual.”
What will be his focus over the next four years: “There are two main areas where I feel that need is,” he said. “First of all, our children need a viable recreational program during the time that they’re out of school because most of the kids are sitting at home with these one-week breaks and more, especially over the summer with little to nothing to do. Our kids need a good recreational program and a job training program outside of what the academy is doing. There are only so many kids that can get into the academy and also our seniors many of which don’t know or aren’t very familiar with the senior program also feel like they’re left out. So our youth and our seniors need programs where they feel included and they have active activities. And finally the small business to find a way where we can make it viable for small businesses to remain here rather than pulling out. We have a lot of areas throughout the city that still have a lot of vacancies and a lot of the small businesses that I’ve talked to are saying that their taxes are so high that it’s made it very difficult to continue business here in the city of Covington.”
What does he bring: Threets says he will bring new and fresh ideas as well as more energy to the city and new leadership.
What’s his background: Fourteen 14 years in healthcare management and another 14 years as the No. 1 store manager/top account manager for Verizon Wireless.
Family life: Threets has been married for more than 23 years. He has two kids, a daughter, 20, and a son, who attends Eastside, 16.