MANSFIELD, Ga. — The Clybel Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Shooting Range near Mansfield has reopened after an intensive eight-month renovation, according to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division (WRD).
The ranges include:
• Pistol Range: 35-yard pistol range with reactive steel targets at varying distances, from 7-30 yards.
• Rifle Range: The 100-yard rifle range was upgraded to 10 Kongsberg digital targets, offering shooters a more precise and streamlined shooting experience.
• Shotgun Range: The shotgun range, which includes two trap and skeet fields, a 5-stand, and a 45-yard patterning range now has shaded covers installed on the trap and skeet fields, and the skeet houses and walls were rebuilt on each range.
• Archery Range: Archery enthusiasts have access to a 5-target static range, a 32-target 3D archery trail, and a 3D archery tower.
Clybel Shooting Range guests will start at the new range visitor center for safety briefings and opportunities to purchase a required license (hunting, fishing or Lands Pass) or clay targets. For more information, visit