Health care reform or rather an alleged repeal of health care reform is in the news. Rather than all the "principled" rhetoric on repealing health care reform, why don’t the Republicans admit that they want to help insurance companies, doctors and hospitals make money at the expense of everyone else? And on the other side, why don’t the Democrats admit that they want to help insurance companies, doctors and hospitals make money at the expense of everyone else? Wait, that didn’t come out right. How did the Republicans and Democrats come out to be on the same side? Take a lesson from the pages of history. Remember the debates over Medicare and Medicaid, the same arguments about "socialized" medicine? Fast forward several decades, and Medicare is a sacred cow and Medicaid is nearly so. No more talk about "socialized" medicine for those programs. The medical profession and secondary insurance products depend on Medicare to make money. Republicans will make deliberately ineffectual attempts to repeal health care reform, knowing that President Obama will veto it, should some mishap occur and they succeed at repeal. The rest of us, the general population, doctors and hospitals, could really benefit from genuine health care reform. We need reform that focuses on the quality of care that 99 percent of all health care professionals want to provide and patients want to get. Before we can have medical care reform or any other sort of reform, we need to oust every elected official in Washington, starting with the House of Representatives. Want reform? Vote to defeat every incumbent of any party in the next election. Start with a clean slate, no lobbyists with prior relationships, no current congressional staffers, etc. They will make mistakes, but at least they will be honest ones.
Durusau: Want reform? Throw all the rascals out