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NEWTON EVENTS: Camp meeting, suicide prevention, basketball camp
Salem Campground
Newton County’s Salem Campmeeting is one of the nation’s longest running events, having been held nearly every summer since 1828. (File | The Covington News)

Some upcoming public events in Newton County:

Salem Camp Meeting is set for in-person services Friday, July 9, through Friday, July 16, at 3940 Salem Road in Covington. Bible classes for all ages at 9:30 a.m. at the Salem United Methodist Church, adjacent to the campground, and afternoon activities for the children. 

The Rev. Don Martin and the Rev. Steve Barnes will lead services. For more information, visit

#IMatter Movement Day in the Park focusing on youth suicide prevention is set for Saturday, July 10, from noon to 5 p.m. at Denny Dobbs Park, 6252 Hwy. 212. 

Vendors, free food and drinks, music, games, giveaways and more are scheduled. For more information, visit or 678-338-9514.

A free basketball camp for ages 5 to 12 is set for Monday, July 12, to Thursday, July 15, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Turner Lake Park in Covington. Sponsored by Equipping for the Game, no fee but registration is required because space is limited in each age group. Lunch will be provided.

For more information, call 770-786-4373 or visit

Preparations for fall garden crops will be the topic of UGA Newton County Extension Service’s “Best Practices” series Tuesday, July 13, 6 to 7 p.m., at The Center at 2104 Washington St. SW in Covington. Email to register.

Back to School Golf Tournament hosted by the Newton County Sheriff's Office is set for Thursday, July 15, at Ashton Hills Golf Course at 10400 Eagle Drive in Covington.

For more information or registration, call 404-550-5015 or; 770-883-0324 or; or 678-218-2423 or

“Anchored” vacation Bible school for ages 3 to 11 set for July 17, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Gaithers Church, 1375 Newton Factory Bridge Road, Covington. 

For more information, call 770-367-3799.

Snapping Shoals EMC’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Members is set for July 22 at the Georgia International Horse Park at 1996 Centennial Olympic Parkway NE in Conyers and will be drive-through only. 

Registration will start at 8 a.m. and end at 11:30 a.m. All members who register will also be entered into a prize drawing for 75 $50 bill credits. For more information, visit

The 2021 Regional Job Fair is set for July 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Georgia Piedmont Technical College’s Newton D Conference Center at 8100 Bob Williams Parkway in Covington.

The fair is free. Local employers in the fields of manufacturing, film, entertainment, public safety, local government, education, bio-pharma, high-technology and distribution are planned to attend. 

Sponsors include Georgia Piedmont, Newton County Industrial Development Authority, Covington-Newton County Chamber of Commerce, and Development Authority of Walton County. For more information, visit

 2021 Back to School Bash hosted by the Newton County Sheriff’s Office is set for July 24 at noon at Newton High School, 1 Ram Way, Covington.

Admission is free. For more information, visit

American Red Cross Blood Drive is set for Oxford City Hall, 110 W. Clark St. in Oxford Aug. 6 from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

For more information, visit or call 800-733-2767.

Free Family Movie Night featuring “Playing with Fire” Aug. 20 at Wolverine Field at 8134 Geiger St. in Covington. 

Event is sponsored by Cinelease Studios Three Ring and Newton County Parks and Recreation. For more information, visit

The county’s new Splash Pad is open to the public for the season at Denny Dobbs Park, 6244 Highway 212, daily except Monday throughout the summer. Days and times are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.; and closed on Mondays for maintenance.

Farmers Market is set for Tuesdays through Oct. 26 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Denny Dobbs Park at 6252 Hwy. 212 in Covington. For more information, visit

Newton County Parks and Recreation will host the weekly event that will feature fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods and more from a variety of farms and vendors.

For more information, call 770-786-4373 or email

 City of Oxford Farmers Market is scheduled for Thursdays and Fridays, noon to dark; and Saturdays , 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the City Green on Emory Street (Georgia Hwy. 81).

Oxford Farmers Market is open to farmers, growers, artists, makers and craftsmen  who grow or make their own produce or items. 

For more information, email, call 770-786-7004 or visit

Submit your events to or mail to 1166 Usher St., Covington, GA 30014