Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rowland of Dublin announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Melinda Dawn Rowland, to Dr. Jason Philip Waszak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waszak, of Safety Harbor, Fla. Miss Rowland is the granddaughter of John and Judy Riley and Tom and Frances Rowland, of Covington. Miss Rowland received her Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from Georgia Tech in 2005, and will receive her Doctor of Pharmacy from Mercer University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in May 2010. Dr. Waszak received his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from the University of Florida in 2004 and his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Mercer University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in 2008. He practices as a clinical pharmacist at Mease Countryside Hospital in Safety Harbor, Fla. A June wedding is planned.