March 19, 2013
“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
Robert Frost
7:00 P.M. A. Call to Order: Chairman Keith Ellis
B. Invocation: Rev. Ronny Brannen, Prospect United Methodist Church
C. Pledge of Allegiance led by
D. Items for Consideration:
General Administration:
Chairman’s Report
County Manager’s Report
E. Citizen Comments
Page Number
1-6 I. Approval of BOC Minutes dated February 19, 2013
Reviewed Approval of ES Minutes dated February 19, 2013
7 Approval of SCM Minutes dated February 26, 2013
8 Approval of WS Minutes dated March 5, 2013
II. Proposals, Contracts, Resolutions Unfinished Business:
New Business:
14-15 1. Superior Court: Support Letter for Mental Health Court
16 2. KCNB: Approval to apply for Keep America Beautiful Grants
(Miracle League)
17 3. KCNB: Approval to apply for Keep America Beautiful Grant
(Restore Oxford Trail)
18 4. Sheriff’s Office: Approval to apply for the Federal Edward Byrne
Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG)
(Transition from Intoxilyzer 5000 to the Intoxilyzer 9000)
19 5. Senior Services/DFACS: Approval to apply for FY2014 CSBG Grant
(Meals on Wheels Program & Rent/Utility Assistance)
20-22 6. Board of Elections: Declaration of Surplus Property
23-27 7. Animal Control: Declaration of Surplus Property
28-39 8. HVAC Maintenance Program
Side Pocket 9. Master Water Supply Plan Phase II – Krebs Engineering
Side Pocket 10. NCFS: Annual Report
40-45 11. Engineering: Approval to Advertise for bids on 2013 LMIG Projects
46-48 12. Engineering: Award of 2013 Culvert Replacement Project
49 13. R031913 – Public Hearing on Transmittal Resolution CIE & STWP
Side Pocket 14. R031913a – To Pursue Abandonment Proceedings for a Portion of
Holmes Road
15. Discussion of changing the zip codes of East Newton
16. Discussion of rotating commission meetings throughout the
commission districts.
Please note: The applicant and those in favor of the petition are allowed ten-minutes to address the board. In addition, ten-minutes is allotted for those in opposition to the petition. This ten-minute allotment does not include a response to any questions raised by the commission members.
Side Pocket O-031913 Information Delivered
-An Ordinance To Amend The Newton County Zoning Ordinance;To Repeal Conflicting Provisions; To Provide for An Effective Date And For Further Purposes (Salem Overlay)
Information Delivered
-AMD12-0004 – Proposed Amendments to the Newton County Zoning -Ordinance–Topic: Almon Overlay
Information Delivered
-Development Services Fee Schedule
County Checks
General Fund: 83825-84095
Special Revenue Fund: 1720
Drug Abuse Rehab: 1721
Juvenile Services: 2166-2171
Neighborhood Stabilization: 1043-1046
NSP Family: 2031
E-911 Fund: 2465-2478
Grant Fund: 4068-4096
Fire Fund: 67920-67930
FEMA: 2264
2005 SPLOST: 1147-1152
2011 SPLOST: 5322-5334
Impact Fee Fund: 281-282
Debt Service Fund: 4020
Water Fund: 13218-13251
Solid Waste: 7701-7720
Senior Services: 7596-7613
Gaither Plantation: 2663-2669
Risk Management: 1122
F. Commissioner Comments
G. Executive Session
H. Adjourn