The Family Community Housing Association will hold a free home buyer education workshop on Saturday, Oct. 27 at the Center for Community Preservation and Planning.
The event will last all day, from 9:15 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m.
Attendants will learn about budgeting, the mortgage loan process, money management, home inspection and appraisal, the ABCs of credit, homeowner's insurance, credit reports, what to expect from a realtor, available down payment assistance and more.
Participants will be awarded a HUD Certificate. They may also qualify for up to $20,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance.
"The most important reason to attend is because many people tend to get into loans that they cannot truly afford," said Julius Webb, executive director for The Family Community Housing Association Inc. "This will help them to decide the right loan to go into so they will be able to afford their mortgage."
Webb added that the workshop will also instruct attendants on how to avoid going into foreclosure and how to qualify for down payment assistance.
"It's just a wealth of information that they'll learn from," Webb said.
Sponsors/partners of the workshop include NetBank Inc., The Georgia Department of Community Affairs, Washington Mutual, Reynoldstown Revitalization Corporation, Operation Round-up and Peoples Bank.
The Center is located on 2104 Washington Street in Covington.
To register call (404) 246-3047.