With cooler temperatures, local high school football scheduled for Thursday and Friday night and college ball kicking off with an Alabama vs. Clemson game Saturday in Atlanta, autumn seems to be in the air.
Leaves will soon begin to turn fiery colors, sleeves will lengthen and children will search for the perfect monster or superhero costume. Tailgating and Halloween parties always bring folks together for fun and, of course, delicious food.
As fall approaches we wish all our readers a wonderful season filled with family, friends and good fortune. The season seems to lift our spirits here at The News as we know the pleasant weather leads to the holiday season. Still we must all remember to tailgate and trick-or-treat safely and responsibly.
Labor Day provides a glorious long-weekend to bid farewell to summer, but if one is careless with drink or vehicle, it could result in tragedy. Please, be safe this weekend so you can enjoy the fall and winter holiday season with us.
Also, remember others who may have lost a job or home in these hard economic times and may not be able to enjoy all the fun activities planned during months of crisp autumn air.