Newton County could be playing host this September to a state committee studying the Georgia Department of Transportation's funding crisis.
If the committee does come to Newton County it would bring some much needed attention to the area from GDOT and members of the Georgia General Assembly who rarely turn their eyes east of Atlanta when it comes time to allocate funding for road improvement projects.
Sen. John Douglas (R-Covington) is submitting a formal invitation to the Joint House-Senate Transportation Funding Study Committee to meet in Covington Sept. 24-25 at the Turner Lake Complex.
"This will be an opportunity for the committee to meet east of Atlanta and still be in a central location easily accessible from all parts of the state," wrote Douglas in the letter to committee chairmen Senator Jeff Mullis and Rep. Vance Smith Jr.
Filling in for Mayor Sam Ramsey who is on vacation this week at the Salem Campmeeting, Mayor Pro Tem Janet Goodman signed the letter on behalf of the City of Covington Monday night.
Douglas said he expected to get signatures of support from Rep. Doug Holt (R-Covington) and Newton County Chairman Aaron Varner Tuesday.