“Ugandan Thunder,” an internationally acclaimed choir consisting of 22 multi-talented children is currently thrilling audiences across the country and will soon make a stop on Salem Road.
Ugandan Thunder will be appearing at Salem United Methodist Church located at 3962 Salem Road in Covington at 7 p.m., May 1.
The choir members range in ages from 10–13 and are from the Royal School and Orphanage located in Uganda, East Africa.
Ugandan Thunder will sing some favorite tunes both in African and American styles.
The concert is packed with high-energy music, dancing and interaction with the audience.
Although these children come from one of the poorest countries on earth, audiences marvel at the genuine joy and peace expressed in their young lives.
“We believe this will be a truly inspiring event that the Newton community will greatly appreciate and enjoy,” said Jimmy Breedlove, communications chair for Salem UMC.
For more information, call 770-786-6027. There will be no charge for the concert.
The tour is sponsored by Pennies for Posho, a nonprofit Christian ministry providing food, shelter and clean drinking water to 10 orphanages in Uganda.
To learn more about this ministry, visit penniesforposho.org.