Springfield Baptist to purchase Church in the Now facility (March 26, 2012)
Fire evacuates Church in the Now (March 1, 2012)
No bidders for Church in the Now (April 5, 2011)
Church in the Now facing foreclosure (March 11, 2011)
Springfield Baptist Church officially signed on the dotted line and closed on the $12-million, 25-year purchase of its 42-acre property on Iris Drive next to Interstate 20.
The property, previously owned by Church in the Now, had initially been posted at $18.8 million in 2011 when it went into foreclosure.
Springfield Baptist, a 132-year-old church that began on the banks of the Yellow River in Newton County, entered into an agreement with the mortgage holder, Evangelical Christian Credit Union, in 2012 and moved from SBC’s former facilities on Old Salem Road to this property on Easter weekend 2012.
Springfield Baptist raised more than $2.3 million in pledges during its “G.L.O.R.Y.” capital campaign over the past several years.