As part of National Public Lands Day, all Georgia State Parks will be hosting "Your State Parks Day" service projects on Sept. 28. Friends of Panola Mountain State Park is calling for volunteers to join them as they plant native wildflowers and clean up the South River corridor.
Rivers Alive South River Clean-up 8AM -12PM
Join Girl Scout Troop 19270 and Friends of Panola Moutain State Park in a Rivers Alive clean-up! Volunteers will be helping clean-up and beautify the South River Corridor at Panola Mountain State Park. Volunteers for this event should bring work gloves, long pants and long sleeve shirt, eye protection, and good walking shoes. Water and lunch will be provided for participants.
Wildflower Planting 9 AM-12 PM
GA DNR's Phil Delestrez will be leading a native wildflower planting in the 150+ acre grassland restoration area at Panola Mountain State Park near Stockbridge. All the wildflowers are Georgia stock, from seed collected within 100 miles of the park. Volunteers are needed to help with this unique project and children are welcome. Tools will be provided, as will a water source for the plantings. The planting will last from about 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please bring gloves, snacks, sunscreen, bug spray and a visored hat. Bottled water and sandwiches, provided with the assistance of Chick-Fil-A, will be provided for participants.
You can register with Panola Mountain State Park for either event at 770-389-7801.
Parking is free in honor of Your State Parks Day. Parking for this event will be at the Alexander Lake Parking Area, at the intersection of Flat Bridge Road and Alexander Lake Road.
All volunteers will receive a free t-shirt, while supplies last. Your name will also be entered into a drawing for door prizes.