Another Christmas in Rockdale County is over, but the good will left behind this season will last throughout the year until next Christmas. We will try to remember a few of those special gifts here. The folks in the churched community always seem to come through to show us the true meaning of Christ’s birth. Conyers First Baptist Church and the community collected more than 17,500 pairs of jeans that were distributed to 51 homeless shelters in the Atlanta area. Springfield Baptist Church gave out more than 100,000 pounds of food to hungry families before the holidays. The Conyers Police Department showed their true heart and took many in need children on a shopping trip this Christmas; about $9,500 was raised — Both Rotary clubs and the Kiwanis were there to help families in need this season. There were so many other organizations and groups and individuals who quietly gave that bit of themselves to share with their neighbors in these tough economic times. We think the good Lord even showed his appreciation for our community’s good will by providing us a white Christmas for the first time in over 100 years. Yes, we do live in a great giving community and we are looking forward to enjoying its benefits in 2011. On behalf of the staff here at the Rockdale News we wish you the very best New Year’s day and we are looking forward to working with you to make it most prosperous.
$ 3,000 of which was donated by Wal-Mart — to help more than 90 children have a very special, exciting Christmas.
Our Thoughts: Good Will