Dear Editor: The recent problems plaguing Rockdale Water Resources and the Water Authority are a direct result of poor leadership. All parties involved in the public quarrel serve at the pleasure of one person, the Board of Commissioners Chairman Richard Oden. Chairman Oden should have stepped in to the resolve the dispute before the dysfunctional bickering was ever reported in the newspaper.
There has been nothing done to avoid conflict and come to a resolution.
The amount of money and time that is being wasted and the huge embarrassment that we are suffering is unacceptable. With true leadership, all parties would be focused on the job at hand. There seems to be no trust between the staff or RWR and the RWSA, both of whom were hired and appointed by the current chairman. Yet, the current chairman refuses to step forward, accept responsibility and take action to correct the challenges we face.
When there is a lack of direction, vision, and leadership, what we have seen is what steps in to fill the void. We can not stand for personal agendas and political games to get in the way of solving the problems that are facing our water system or our government.
It is clear the current chairman and those around him have done nothing to stop or avoid this embarrassment. They have not worked hard to move us forward. They have not worked to minimize the distractions and work hard for the citizens of Rockdale County. It is time for new leadership.
Jason Hill
(Editor's Note: Hill is running as a Republican candidate for the Board of Commissioners Chairman seat)