The following Boy Scouts and Girl Scout were honored on Thursday night for achieving their Eagle Scout and Gold Scout badges:
Joel Emerson Chivington
William Joshua Crawford
Derek Brooks Evans
Gerrod Quade Forcucci
Parker Brian Green
Amanda Dixion
James Bryant Greenich
Garrett David Holland
Travis Stratton Hurt
Andrew Paul Smith
Charles E. Sparks, Jr.
The Native American themed banquet and ceremony was held by the Rockdale Rotary at Salem United Methodist Church. Guest speaker was Rotary Past District Governor Rich Panyik, who has been studying Native American cultures for over 50 years. A ceremonial dance team from the local Order of the Arrow Chapter, an honorary camping society of the Boy Scouts of America, also participated in the evening's ceremonies. Chef Alain Bouzoubaa prepared Native American foods for the banquet.
During the banquet, the Boy and Girl Scouts and their parents were also seated with community members whose vocations matched an interest of the scouts.