While we believe strongly in the value of the prostitution story we ran a week ago, we realize our readers don't always agree with us.
That's not a bad thing. The newspaper is supposed to be a forum for public dialogue, and we know that being regularly challenged makes us look more closely at ourselves and the role we play in the community. We hope the dialogue that occurs in these pages allows you to do the same.
As a newspaper, we often are called upon to write about the mistakes of others, and if we're going to do so, we know that we have to take our fair share of criticism. When we feel our actions have been justified we say so, and when we make a mistake we acknowledge it.
We regularly talk about the importance of being accessible to people, not only so they can share information but so that they can vent to their local paper about their disappointments. We want our reporters, editors, upper management, advertising reps and other employees to be involved in this community so that you can reach out and touch us.