To paraphrase Charles Dickens, these are the best of times and the worst of times. They are the best of times because technology has made life so much simpler and easy. But it’s the worst of times in that many of our neighbors can’t afford to pay their bills or put food on the table, let alone indulge in buying new gadgets this Christmas. On Wednesday, we ran a story about a family whose members are struggling because one of its breadwinners has been out of work for 22 months. During that time, the family has received unemployment benefits, but they are about to run out. We are fortunate in that we live in a predominately Christian country whose people are still compassionate in spite of their bad times. As a result, the family in our story has received some helpful benefits for 22 months. We have to admit that we don’t feel that it is fair in today’s economy to stretch out unemployment checks to 99 weeks, which is the current rule. It just doesn’t make fiscal sense to do so. The main reason we feel that way is because of the potential for abuse by some who would seek a free ride on the extended unemployment benefits so generously paid for by their countrymen. But after we read stories of the plight of our neighbors during these tough times, neighbors who follow the rules and try their best to find jobs, we put aside our fiscal concerns. We hope they get all the benefits that are possible to be used. The Good Lord has been good to us here at The Covington News. Our people work hard and struggle like their neighbors, but we have been blessed by our partners who advertise with us and by you our readers. Our wish this Christmas season is that no one in Newton County does without food or warmth. If you know someone who has nowhere to turn, contact us at or drop us a note. We will do our best to put them with folks who can help them.
Our thoughts... Unemployment